First Name  Mary

Last Name   Nolde

Maiden Name Rea

Spouse s Name     Harry

Address     P.O. Box 308  -- 403 David Ave.

City  Holcomb

State KS

Zip Code    67851

Hm Phone    620-277-2043



      I DO authorize sharing all of this information on the Class of 1961 Web Site.


Q1    What are some of your positive and some of your negative experiences with modern technology?


Cell phones are truly a blessing! (Except when someone is driving down the road with it attached to their ear - like our daughter!).  I don't think that we need to be in touch with each other 24 hours a day! 

Computers and word programs are another time-saver, etc.  When I think of all of the correction tapes I used to use, I know that the computer is a money-saver, too!  Believe it or not, I still enjoy working for our local doctors so don't know when I will retire! 

Between my PC and Harry's Apple we have been exposed to quite a bit of computers and like the convenience of ordering on line, e-bay (we have gotten some really good deals) and sending pictures on line!  Who knew 50 years ago that we would have so much convenience with digital cameras, microwaves, etc.?  Wonder what the next 50 years will bring! Probably robots so no more housework and yard work (Will really have to exercise then!) The only thing we do not do is text and don't understand over half of the functions on our cell phones! But we got it mainly to talk on anyway! 


Q2    What are some of your most memorable experiences?


Life is an amazing experience in itself!  Loved witnessing the birth of several of our grandchildren! (The looks on the doctor’s face when it is a different sex then what she/he was so sure that it was going to be!)  We haven't traveled to very many places, but have enjoyed traveling from Texas to North Dakota and Colorado to Michigan!  We enjoy history and visiting the various museums in these states has been eye-opening.  Since Harry has been doing wedding photography for the last 22 years, we have met many varied and wonderful people - all with different ideas of what their "special day" should be and the pictures associated with such a day!  Not only do we become a part of that day, but to so many we become a part of their lives! (Baby pictures, Christmas cards, etc.)


Q3    What fun activities/hobbies, etc. do you participate in?


Harry is definitely the photographer, but with digital cameras I am doing better (don't have "ghosts" in pictures anymore).  We enjoy seeing our grandchildren's various and sundry activities including football, basketball, plays, concerts, volleyball, and now we have a great-grandson who will be starting to do these things!  Love to see the progression of talents in all of their activities!  Church activities from teaching Sunday School, being church pianist, etc. to learning more about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ has been an important part of our lives. 


Q4    What are some of the major changes in your life?


Changes that come with age have been my slowing down with various activities (think it takes at least twice as long as it used to get ready to go anywhere, pack, etc.) and even with a list of things to do, take with, pack, etc., I still forget things, i.e. I have been on insulin for 24 years now for diabetes and forgot the insulin when we went to Topeka one time recently - the only time that has ever happened! 


Personal narrative 2011:      We have our 10th grandchild due in September, so don't think we will be able to come to the Class Reunion.  The Reunion committee has done a superb job in all of these reunions and I enjoy all of the pictures and reading the narratives.  Our class has had so many successful people and teachers, etc. it is so wonderful!  I would like to have a memory book again and hopefully get a picture sent soon!  Thank you, Luretta, for all of your hard work (and your husband)!  Love to look at the web site just to reminisce once in a while!  You have done an amazing production of our class!